Top 10 Best Customer Service Books You Need to Read In 2025

Top customer service books can help to serve clients better because they are all based on personal experiences and insights. That is why reading customer service books can help you understand the current customer care trends, and best practices to ensure better customer service. Let’s dive in and explore all the book suggestions below.

customer service books

What Can Anyone Expect From Customer Service Books?

As Oscar Wilde once said ‘You are what you read’, that’s why you need to get your hands on the best customer service books on the first go. By reading these books you will get to learn some life-changing lessons and start implementing them in your customer service practice. Let’s see what you will learn from our customer service books below: 

Improve Your Communication With Customers

Reading customer service books will help you improve your communication skills with customers. While communicating with them, you need to maintain a certain tone of voice and choose the right words to explain to them. Based on how you express yourself, your customer service will be improved. Reading customer service books will teach you how to handle customers properly while also improving your communication abilities.

customer service books

Create A Well Functioning Customer Service Team

We all know that any company’s customer service heavily depends on team collaboration. If you want to improve your team collaboration, you need to understand your team inside out. Customer service books will guide you to create a customer service strategy step by step and run a fully-functional customer service team smoothly. 

Level Up Customer Service Quality Over Time

customer service books

Customer service quality is not a constant thing. You need to develop it day by day. Reading customer service books will help you to be more aware of the current trends of customer service and evaluate if those are applicable for your business or not. For example, customer service books will pinpoint the basic qualities you need to develop like consistency, patience, problem-solving qualities, and so on. If you are able to acquire knowledge from these books and implement them correctly in your practice, you will no longer have to struggle for serving the best to your customers.

customer service books

Il best customer service ideas for staying in business are to upgrade your support strategies on a regular term. Customer service culture is changing all across the world on a daily basis, which is why you must keep current while implementing new customer service approaches. The most important and crucial customer support tip out of all the customer support skills is adapting and adopting a new approach to dealing with clients.

Customer Service Books You Need To Read On 2023

We have listed down some of the best-rated customer service books to enhance your customer service practice instantly. The list with content details are given below:

1. What Customers Crave

customer service books

Nicholas j. Webb’s book, ‘What Customers Crave’ offers insights into how customer expectations are changing rapidly over time. The main reason behind changing their behavior is the economic transition that we have. This customer service book gives emphasis on holding on to the old customers instead of spending money to get new customers. 

This book also advises you on what to prioritize when it comes to efficient customer service. By creating a juxtaposition of what customers are looking for and what you can give to them, this book explains a lot of crucial aspects of customer service with lots of practical examples. If you give a good read to this customer service book, you will get wiser in terms of learning about your customers.

2. The Loyalty Effect The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Force Behind Growth, Profits,  and Lasting Value: 0001578516870: Reichheld, Frederick F.: Books

'The Loyalty Effect’ book by Fredrick F. Reichheld about customer loyalty and how it can benefit you. In this case, you will learn how to retain customers and maintain your loyal customers.

The attitude of loyal customers is different from your new customers. This customer service book encompasses this difference and how you should act upon it. You need to follow some core principles that the writer tried to focus on in this book.

3. Never Split The Difference

customer service books

'Never Split The Difference’ by Chris Voss teaches you the magic of negotiation. Reading this customer service book, you will get to know what you need to do to improve your negotiation skill. This book talks about some of the vital and effective principles of providing customer service. 

One important message is that, rather than problem-solving skills, mental skills and interpersonal skills are required to put things into perspective. Even when your consumer is upset, understanding this principle allows you to provide the finest service possible.

4. How To Talk To Anyone

customer service books

If you can hone the skill of small talk, you will win the conversation in no time. By talking better you can give the right impression to your customers. It is much needed for your customers to understand and communicate with you properly. 

This customer service book covers all these tips and tricks with real-life examples and makes you understand why you need to improve your customer service. ‘How To Talk To Anyone’ by Leil Lowndes covers almost every aspect of communication in this book that can be eye-opening.

5. Be Our Guest: Perfecting The Art Of Customer Service

customer service books

‘Be Our Guest’ written by Theodore Kinni is a perfect example of how to treat your customers right. This book takes real-life examples from Disney and explains how easily you can turn your customer service into an excellent journey for your customers. 

The ultimate message of this customer service book is to think about your customers as your guests. By approaching this attitude, your company can give a strong impression to your customers in a short time and raise the bar.

6. The Cult Of The Customers

customer service books

'The Cult Of The Customers’ is an outstanding customer service book that will guide you on what customer amazement means and why it is important for any company. Shep Hyken will guide you to implement innovative ideas so that your customers can return satisfied. This kind of approach will keep your clients committed to your company and thus increase your sales. If you can ensure the best possible customer service for your customers, they will assure you of the sustenance of your company or brand.

7. The Service Culture Handbook

customer service books

‘The Service Culture Handbook’ by Jeff Toister explains cultivating hospitality, maintaining excellence in customer service. While many customer service publications focus on activities and best practices, this handbook emphasizes the necessity of fostering an environment in which exceptional customer service is second nature.

8. The Customer Rules

customer service books

One of the top customer service books for employees is 'The Customer Rules' by Lee Cockerell. The basic rules for effective service are set out in this useful guide, which includes “treat every client like a regular.” The book lays out reliable methods for interacting with and impressing customers. The Customer Guidelines breaks down customer service into easy-to-follow standards and golden rules.

9. The Customer Service Survival Kit

customer service books

One of the most useful books on customer service abilities is 'The Customer Service Survival Kit'. One of the most important skills for service workers is the ability to respond to customer concerns and calm them down. This book teaches readers how to connect with customers and relieve tension in difficult situations, as well as provide a crisis toolbox. From breaking unfortunate news to dealing with social media concerns, the Customer Service Survival Kit addresses it all.

10. The Thank You Economy

customer service books

Gary Vaynerchuk, a prominent entrepreneur, and marketing guru outlines how social media fueled a renaissance for customized customer attention in his book ‘The Thank You Economy’. Customers may share their opinions instantly on the internet, and effective marketers and executives do not disregard this feedback. 

Hope we have presented you with some of the top customer service books. If you find this blog useful enough, you can subscribe to our blog and join our Facebook community to share your thoughts. 

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